I am Towut denizen of this tree; I dwell among the roots. I'm a Spiritual Mentor & Empowerment Coach; I lovingly provide nourishment, such as I have, to any seeking to grow. Often, I am called Grandmother Towut, as I like the tree, am long-lived and have seen many things.

I invite you to make this tree your touch point and home; consider this place your grandmother’s house.

I am a Personal Empowerment Coach, a Spiritual Mentor, and healer who is blessed with Clairvoyance and surrounded by archangels, ancestors, and many guides. I know how to read the Akashic Records and use Tarot and Oracle cards to help me discern the truth of a situation and the people involved. I am intuitive and wise. If you have an issue or concern you need help to clarify or overcome, don’t hesitate to reach out. I got you!

Judgment doesn't grow here; you are safe. If you need help or support with some situation or circumstance,but don't know where to turn, schedule Coffee with Grandmother It's Free!. I'll listen while you talk it through. Got a question; ask it. No question is silly or too small. If I have an answer, I'll share it.

"You'll never walk alone" is a promise I make from my soul. I've felt alone, isolated, and lost is darkness; I found my way; I'll walk with you until you do too. Wisdom, support, sharing, caring, and unconditional love grow among these roots and life-changing ideas bloom everywhere. And you are Welcome here!

Grandmother Towut ~The Old Woman Under the Tree